Friday, November 05, 2004

"The Digestible Aggie" is up!

"The Digestible Aggie" is up!
Yeah that title took me awhile, I'm not that original and at first it was going to be the “Agricultural Digest” (while I am not creative I can't settle for regular names). I haven't seem many agricultural weblogs out there, not many ag sites in general, so I thought I would try to make an ag weblog myself, thus the birth of "The Digestible Aggie". There is a two fold purpose here: #1 To fill a niche in the blog-o-sphere and #2 To try out my account. Of course I could get bored with it and let it die but we shall see right? I have started to find a few and hopefully will make a Blogroll and a Session with all (and only; sot it doesn't get mixed up with my tech stuff) my favourite Ag sites/blogs so that might provide me with enough fodder to make a few postings a week. Wish me luck!