Friday, March 07, 2008

Transportation in Afghanistan

Transportation in Afghanistan
Originally uploaded by gaikokujinkyofusho

The first thing I thought of when I saw this (other than “Where is my camera?!”) was some friends of mine. They have children and told me that they used to joke with their kids when their kids friends were around and sternly tell their kids “if you do that again I’ll lock you in the closet again!” well of course they were joking (though I can totally see the kids’ friends’ eyes just popping out of their heads) but they could just as well said “I’ll put you in the trunk of the car!” well here it is, though I don’t think this kid is being punished.

There are of course a million and one “How many Mexicans can you fit in X vehicle” jokes in the US but Afghans take it to the next level riding for hours hanging onto the backs of trucks, riding with cattle (squished?!), on tops of trucks, and now in the trunk of taxies.