Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Afghan Nomads?

Afghan Nomads?
Originally uploaded by gaikokujinkyofusho

Actually I have no idea if these people are nomads but we were easily 10 miles from the nearest encampment (and further from any established villages, at least any visible villages, there could have been a village tucked away over/between one of the hills/mountains).

I just wanted to mention the nomads though, here called “Kochi” (pronounced Koochee). I am still trying to figure out the difference between Nomad and Kochi, usually when I mention kochi people think of the nomads that were just coaxed out of central Hazarajat after killing almost 15 people over land disputes (and weren’t even punished, I don’t pretend to understand this), people here aren’t too fond of them so at first I think they are a specific group of nomads but I am told that “no, kochi just means nomad” and there are several nomadic groups in Afghanistan and they aren’t all as seemingly evil as the ones in Hazarajat (to give you an idea of how despised they are in Hazarajat I heard one old man compare the Kochis killing of Hazara to the Israelis treatment of the Palestinians… and trust me, there is no love for Israelis here).