A new day in central Afghanistan
Originally uploaded by gaikokujinkyofusho
This was my first morning in Behsood I (now that I think about it the title sounds a bit misleading/hokey) in central Afghanistan and I apparently got up too early (5am, when the sun came up). I will have to admit that I was treated *very* well (not sure if it was because I am the program manager, a foreigner, or both [I suspect both]) and got a fairly cushy afghan bed, a long mat on the floor, so I slept pretty well so getting up early was not a problem but was apparently unnecessary so I ended up just aimlessly walking around for about three hours. The more bored I got the further I strayed from the office (Again, this is central Afghanistan and is quite safe, especially compared to Kabul not to mention southern Afghanistan) and since the office was at the base of a small mountain I thought Why not? and started to climb but I was in sandals so that didnt last very long. Once I gave up climbing I sat down and soaked in the morning sun, clean air, etc and thought Id take a few photos. I did manage to take a few pictures but the wind was blowing pretty hard so keeping the camera steady for a multi-photo panoramic shot was difficult.
Anyway on the left (partially covered by trees) is the office and further to the right is the nearest village (it actually looks closer in the photo than it does in real life, odd, it seems that it is usually the other way around).