I am a ADD/Dyslexia poster child and needless to say easily distracted but for whatever reason I never spent much time on sites like YouTube (subconscious repulsion by the sensory overload?). Anyway, i was reading over yet another GTD like post (on lifehacker this time) extolling the virtues of the Quicksilver productivity app which was making me really jealous (though i do have a love affair going with FARR which keeps my jealousy in check). I have read tons about quicksilver but never really seen it in action and all of a sudden it popped into my head, "maybe there is some demo of quicksilver on YouTube". I'm not sure why it hadn't occurred to me before, I had actually wasted a significant amount of time drooling over the linux XGL/Beryl video captures (highly recommended if you like nice graphical desktops) on YouTube. So i took a look and sure enough there were tons of Quicksilver videos, many of them tutorials, I thought, "Maybe there are other application like tutorials" so i looked up a video on using Del.icio.us and viola! that was there as well.
The point of this is that YouTube is a great resource for instructional videos, no they aren't all professional and some are easier to follow than others but the convenience of it is pretty darn nifty eh?
Monday, January 01, 2007
YouTube for Productivity?
Web 2.0