Sunday, January 09, 2005

Nice Google Groups but...

So Google just revamped their Google groups, its nice, I’m a fan of GG (tons of helpful people out there) but there is a problem with the upgrade, whats up with the no upgraded search?

Google has said they are not a portal right? They are first and foremost a search engine. I find that assertion ironic when looking at the limited ability of their Usenet search. Options like being able to search within sites that have XX amount of activity, or sort by activity; speaking of sort, whats up with the sorting by relevance default? (yeah I know I can specify in the advanced search but if I do an author search (either it matches or it doesn’t relevance doesn’t work there) it gives it back to me in some sort of mysterious relevance order, of course I can click on sort by date but still. And there are other little things… oh well, its all good I suppose, its just that the changes made are fine but there are still short comings (that I would have made higher priority)

Ok, one more thing I noticed (a *really* good thing), posts go up *much* quicker than before. Before it took like hours (about half a day I think) for a post to show, this morning I posted and before 12 I had like 6 responses, now that is a big improvement.