Thursday, December 02, 2004

You love me, you really love me!

Well I had gotten a wee bit behind on my podcasts, its almost kind of nice, I get to sift through all the stuff and listen to what is most interesting to me and chuck the rest (I wish I could append like a show TOC in the ID3 comment tag of the NPR rips). Anyway, I was listening to the “can’t miss shows” (Engadget, SlashDot Review, Daily source code) and while listening to the SDR I heard this site mentioned, as well as The Digestible Aggie! I almost fell out of my chair! Never mind that he slightly misquoted TDA and mutilated my name (I am amazed when I hear any non-Japanese speaker actually pronounce it *correctly*, so *no* worries) I got a plug from the SlashDot Review! Not only that, I added a sitemeter counter, and my RSS link is via feedburner (two subscribers [amazed you blokes bothered, thanks!]) so I have a grand total of two feed subscribers and am averaging about 3 hits a day, dinky? Yeah it is, but considering that I didn’t think I had *any* readers 3 is better than 0. Since only my old site shows up in Google I have no idea how you people are finding me (using the Google link option), if you can take a few seconds pleeeeeeaze let me know how you found this site by just putting a quick comment.