To read all the food related junk I have been writing one might think I am a 400lb hippo... well not yet but I do love food. I am kinda hungry right now and chocolate popped into my chubby little cranium which made me think of some of the best tiramisu I have ever had (well here and a quaint little place in the south western tip of Virginia, the “Swiss Inn” I think). An Italian friend of mine took another friend, his girl friend, and myself to this little “steak house”. I can’t remember the name etc but I think I could find it again (somewhere to the right off of Via Nomentana close to the center) but it is a place to remember, not for its meat selection but its Tiramisu. In truth most of the meat there was a bit tougher than it should have been and was reminiscent of German weiner snitzels, problem was the Germans do that better and I was in Italy. Anyway, the meal was ok, not phenomenal but afterwards I thought “why not?” so my friend and I ordered some. They served it in a cup, like a pudding, hadn’t seen that before but the taste, divine, forget that ambrosia crap. His girlfriend didn’t want any but after she tried she couldn’t stay away from it (his comment “I know my chicken” was quite amusing, something lost in the translation perhaps?). Anyway, this is a place I would pay for again, just to have some of their homemade (oops forgot to mention that part) tiramisu.