I was just using my Gmail account, did a search for an email and it just popped up, it blew Netscape/Moz and outlook’s (especially outlooks) search options out’a the water! It made me think, gee, Gmail rox!… Duh. Another thought (yes, this is going somewhere), My favourite little ’chan was telling me how she gave an account to a friend of hers and how the friend appreciated it; to me *that* is what makes it worth it, a person using such power (for good or evil, take your pick) and appreciating it… So (the point), I have some Gmail invites left, am tired of gmail swap (though I am not sure why) so if you email me and tell my why you want a Gmail account then maybe I will send you an invite, good enough? (and please, none of the I will use it to help gay, homeless, mal-nourished bush babies in Saharan Africa; I require *real* reasons like Gmail goodness would rock my world because…)